Hyenas AKA Fisi 😍 Here are fascinating hyena facts that will want to make you stop and observe these curious animals a while longer: •Hyenas are real-life Survivor players, Hyenas form intricate social groups but here’s the fascinating fact, they are known to form allegiances with group members much to the likes of a Survivor game strategy. Their social structure is intricate but relaxed, and they will break allegiances and form new ones as drama on the African Savannah unfolds. They form allegiances around hunting, scavenging, territory and social status. Although active allegiance players, hyenas will regroup to aggressively protect their territory if collectively threatened by predators, making them also good and tight team players. •Hyenas have white poo Nothing goes to waste—hyenas are literally trash cans of the Savannah as they devour every inch of their prey, nothing is left behind for the vultures! This makes hyena droppings easy to spot among the carnivore ...