
Showing posts from November, 2021

LION (panthera leo)

LION (Panthera Leo) Lion is regarded to be the only truly cats and live in a social group called PRIDE . The pride can be 10 to 13 members that combines females ,offspring and dominant males. By living in prides can bring down large prey like buffalo, zebra and wildebeest. When the pride is too big, females emigrate as 2 years olds, and males are forced to leave the pride at 3 years old by the dominant males . They become nomads until able to take their own territory. Usually the males (bachelor) join together to claim and hold a territory over a single male. The male lion territory is large than the females and can hold 3 to 4 pride and male (lion) hold a territory for 2years . Note (the more males in a collision the large they can hold a territory). Whe a males take over territory will kill all existing cubs in order to raise their own young. Females try to protect the cubs and sometimes also killed. They mark their territory by urinating (urine spraying) on trees and shrubs. Lio...